All our scented candles are available at ROAR on Banani Road 11 for spot purchase.
All candles should be burnt no longer than 4 hours at one time. If you burn your candle for more than 4 hours at a time, carbon will collect on the wick, and your wick will begin to “mushroom”. This can cause the wick to become unstable, the flame to get too large, your candle to smoke, and soot to be released into the air and around your candle jar.
The total number of burn hours per candle is mentioned on the product page of each candle on our website.
Although millions of people regularly use scented candles without any negative effects, it is always possible that a particular fragrance might trigger a negative reaction in a very small percentage of sensitive individuals. Individuals with known sensitivities to specific fragrances may want to avoid candles of those scents. In addition, consumers should remember to burn all candles, whether scented or unscented, in a well-ventilated area.
Candles are one of the most enjoyable, affordable, and readily accessible luxury items. They infuse the home with color and fragrance, and can help create a special warmth and ambiance to allow for a sense of calm and well-being.